  • Samorząd Studentów SGH

Summer University Warsaw

3-14 July 2017
Warsaw, Poland

Summer University Warsaw 2017

Summer University Warsaw (SUW) offers 2-week-long courses on economics and management at Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). All classes are organised as lectures and workshops with numerous case studies, discussions and group projects. Bachelor’s and master’s level students have an opportunity to earn 4 or 8 ECTS credits that are internationally recognised. Our academic team includes teachers from Warsaw School of Economics and invited guest speakers from partner universities taking part in Erasmus+ KA107 exchange programme (SGH academic partners) and practitioners from international corporations (SGH business partners).

During SUW 2017 you can choose from the following courses:

  1. Marketing
  2. Brand Management
  3. Investment Project Management 
  4. Intercultural Negotiations

Summer University Warsaw is a great project that gives you:

  • 2 weeks of academic courses combining theoretical and practical approach, 
  • workshops and team projects on real-life cases with academic teachers and business professionals,
  • 4 ECTS points for one finished course (morning or afternoon) and 8 ECTS for two finished courses (one morning and one afternoon),
  • exceptional intercultural experience with new student-friends from various countries, 
  • opportunity to explore Warsaw, and visit Cracow and Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Our SUW has over a decade long history. Starting in 2005 we had a pleasure to host students from around the globe including China, USA, Singapore and Germany (see testimonials).

This year we would like to welcome You.


Morning classes between 9.00-12.15


This course aims to give the students a good understanding of marketing orientation as a company philosophy on the strategic level and as an effective tool kit on the operational level. The topics will cover all relevant issues of managing a market-oriented organization. During the course different interactive and practice-based teaching methods like case discussions, work in teams and short field projects will be used.

Major learning outcomes for students:

  • understanding of marketing principles,
  • knowledge about main marketing tools and campaigns,
  • awareness of importance of marketing orientation for contemporary companies.

Brand Management

The main objectives of the course is to present the patterns, rules and objectives of brand management within a contemporary company. It is to deliver knowledge on the role the brands, brand managers, brand strategies play in the corporate strategy, its’ implementation, corporate marketing and in building competitive advantages. It is also on the challenges and activities the brand manager faces. 

Major learning outcomes for students:

  • awareness of determinants influencing brands, 
  • knowledge how brand strategy could be designed, 
  • ability to analyse markets, factors influencing brands and identify connections between them.


Afternoon classes between 13.15-16.45

Investment Project Management

This course focuses on crucial aspect of business endeavours – investment project management. Curriculum includes key aspects of projects like scope, timeframe and life-cycle with budget, feasibility study and risk analysis, and financing including bank loans. Also project steering: coordination and control and termination are analysed. Important issue of organizing project team and choice of proper project structure are discussed on the basis of real-life examples. Specific emphasis will be put on property projects including investments in housing and urban regeneration including examples from major European and US cities.

Major learning outcomes for students:

  • understanding of project management process and be able to chose proper project management tools and techniques,
  • knowledge about possible source of financing the investment project,
  • awareness of major investment projects carried in the urban environment including European and US cities.

Intercultural Negotiations

The main objective of this course is to make students familiar with key concepts concerning negotiations in the international setting including trust, social capital, team building, leadership. The focal point of classes is to make students aware of the cultural differences between negotiating parties and to shape skills and develop competencies of building trust, building relations, knowing and making use of the cultural differences. Course includes in-depth analysis of negotiations sequence, techniques, as well as conflict and time management. 

Major learning outcomes for students:

  • knowledge about the sequence and procedures of negotiations,
  • knowledge about most important negotiations strategies and techniques,
  • development of social skills leading to trust and relations building in international teams and settings.


Academic team


Dominika Mirońska
Leading Academic
Dominika Mirońska, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of International Management and Marketing in Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in Warsaw, Poland. She graduated from SGH and worked with Unilever company in marketing department as brand manager for couple of years. She teaches marketing and management related courses on all levels at SGH, she is also a faculty member in Bachelor’s Degree Program in International Business at Aalto University School of Business in Mikkeli, Finland.
Contact: Dominika.Mironska@sgh.waw.pl

Brand management

Mikołaj Pindelski
Leading Academic
Mikołaj Pindelski, PhD, Collegium of Management and Finance, SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Author of publications on making strategy work, operations management, sales, sales management and strategic management in both Polish and English languages. Leader and team member of numerous research and consultancy projects on the topics mentioned. Was teaching at universities worldwide – Nottingham Trent University (UK), Institute of Management Technology (New Delhi/Ghaziabad, India), Estonian Business School (Tallin, Estonia), Tel Aviv University, (Israel), Vilnius University (Lithuania), Ecole Superieur de Commerce (Rennes, France). Former research and teaching fellow at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv/Ramat Gan, Fordham University, New York and Tel Aviv University. Last 10 years spent on projects for numerous international companies as Carlsberg, Leroy Merlin, Abbott, Raiffeisen, Tesco and many others.
Contact: Mikolaj.Pindelski@sgh.waw.pl

Investment Project Management course

Professor Marek Bryx
Leading Academic
Professor Marek Bryx is a staff member of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH, former: Central School of Planning & Statistics) since 1978. Head of Innovative City Department (former Investment and Real Estate Department) since 1999, Professor 2000-2007, Full Professor since 2007, Dean 2005-2008, Deputy Rector 2008-2016. Member of the Governing Board of INTA since 2005. Member of the National Spatial Planning Committee of Polish Academy of Science – since 2015. Vice-Minister of Infrastructure and President of State Office of Housing and Urban Development: 2001-2004. Director of UN-Habitat Warsaw Office: 2006-2008.
Author and co-author of numerous research projects including SATURN - The European Standard for Vocational Training in Urban Regeneration and Eco-innovations in cites. Lecturer at numerous universities including North-Eastern Illinois University (Chicago, USA) University of Malta and Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, USA).
Contact: Marek.Bryx@sgh.waw.pl

Intercultural Negotiations

Prof. Wojciech Dyduch
Leading Academic
Prof. Wojciech Dyduch is a professor in strategic management and entrepreneurship at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland. He is a country Vice-President of the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Member of the Organization and Management Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences. He acts as a regional coordinator of the All-Polish Entrepreneurship Contest, Polish "ambassador" of the Academy of Management entrepreneurship track, co-organizer of the conference track “Organising Creativity for Innovation” at the European Academy of Management Conference. His scientific interests include creative strategy of organizations, corporate entrepreneurship and performance measurement as well as value creation and appropriation.
Contact: dyduch@ae.katowice.pl


Venue and cultural events

Our summer school includes not only interesting classes, but also a great social and cultural programme. It takes place in the vibrant city with almost 2 million inhabitants.

Our students will have an opportunity to visit the most iconic sites in Warsaw including Lazienki- Royal Residence Park, The Warsaw Rising Museum and Chopin Museum. We are also planning numerous outdoor activities like guided city walks in the Old Town and biking along Vistula River (see also Vistula River story).

Other interesting place to visit are Praga district, Palace of Culture and Science and King Jan III's Palace and many more – in fact so many that we would advise you to stay in Warsaw even longer than two weeks planned for SUW 2017 :)

Focal point of SUW 2017 cultural programme is trip to UNESO World Heritage sites Cracow and Wieliczka Salt Mine (3-day guided trip by bus. Please see Accommodation and fees for the price).

For updates and current information about events and cultural programme in Warsaw follow us on Facebook.

Accommodation and fees


During Summer University Warsaw 2017 participants will be staying in Sabinki dormitory in double, triple or quadruple rooms with wi-fi connection. Dormitory also has common areas at your disposal (billiard, TV and space for parties) and is located within a walking distance from SGH campus.



Fees or 2017 edition are as follows: 

  • 430 euro – fee for one course, inauguration and graduation, access to SGH’s library and university’s computers with internet, „welcome package” 
  • 260 euro – fee for second course 
  • 230 euro – accommodation in students’ dormitory, double or triple rooms, 10 breakfast before classes (at about 8 a.m.) and 10 lunches (at about 12.30 p.m.) from Monday to Friday each week 
  • 170 euro – trip to Cracow and Wieliczka (by bus) 
  • 60 euro – cultural and social events including visits in Chopin and The Warsaw Rising Museum, city walks and biking at Vistula River

Summer University Warsaw fees should be paid after candidate’s acceptance but before their arrival.

Please note that fees do not cover:

  • insurance (students have to buy one on their own), 
  • students' arrival and departure (plane tickets, train tickets etc.), 
  • bus tickets in Warsaw (except for cultural events organised by SGH when round-trip bus tickets are provided)


Application form

Candidates are asked to choose first and second choice courses. There is possibility to choose only morning class (4 ECTS), only afternoon class (4 ECTS) or both morning and afternoon lecture (together 8 ECTS).

I. Personal information


Permanent address

Educational background

Language skills

Additional information

Please see SUW 2017 Statute


Candidates interested in applying for the Summer University Warsaw 2017 course are asked to fill in the electronic application form




Please write a short essay (400-800 words) on ONE of the following topics:

Internet of things – what is your vision of the world in 10 years' time?
From adaptation to standardisation – challenges of contemporary market.
Describe a selected profession of the future and its impact on the economy.


Timetable of our SUW 2017

  • 21.02.2017 – application start
  • 22.05.2017 – application deadline
  • 24-26.05.2017 – notification of acceptance
  • 2-3.07.2017 – arrivals 
  • 3-6.07.2017 – first week of lectures and social activities  
  • 7.07.2017 - self-study from 9.00-12.15 
  • 7-9.07.2017 – trip to Cracow and Wieliczka
  • 10-12.07.2017 – second week of lectures and social activities  
  • 13.07.2017 – self-study day
  • 14.07.2017 – exams/final presentation, graduation
  • 14-16.07.2017 – departures

Based on numerous request – SUW Application extended – Contact dominika.brodowicz[at]sgh.waw.pl.


If you had any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us:

SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Szkola Glowna Handlowa w Warszawie)

The Centre for Open Education
Niepodleglosci Ave. 162 suite 150
02-554 Warsaw, Poland

Dominika P. Brodowicz PhD,
SUW Academic Director,
e-mail: dominika.brodowicz [at] sgh.waw.pl
mobile +48505957501 (WhatsApp)

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